Creative Critical Reflection
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?
Alternative rock videos are most commonly filmed in run-down abandoned areas to convey the message of a person struggling. Music videos by 21 pilots are filmed with a grey filter over the entire video, causing the bright colors to be muted. I chose to challenge these conventions by filming and editing the video with the original colors present. The gender roles present in the video were presented using acting and costumes. I chose to film the video in well-lit areas of the actor's house. most of the time the shots were filmed at eye level but the shots of the actor sitting down and the younger version of the actor were filmed from higher angles. I used the jump cuts at the beginning to keep the viewer interested by adding some quick action to the video. After researching more videos of 21 pilots videos I found that most were filmed outside. I challenged this convention by entirely filming the video indoors. This allowed me to follow the actor from "morning" to "night" reinforcing the older person's social group, and how time passes too fast.
real media text?
My music video targets all age groups going through stressful times that they may have not experienced before. By using clips of younger kids who are having a good time the viewer is brought back to when they lived carefree as a child. The song that I chose to use is not very upbeat and keeps a monotone consistent beat meaning that people who are not excited are more likely to listen to it. Due to the monotone beat present, it is a very catchy song that will get stuck in your head. My music video is entertaining and easy to follow if you listen to the lyrics. It follows an aging man as he gets ready for the day, and looks through a photo album that includes pictures of the man when he was younger. All scenes are building up to the main point that the man is stressed in his older years and wishes he was a child again. The best shot that I filmed was the tracking shot of the actor exiting the bathroom and walking to the living room. My video would get most of its attention and views on YouTube. This platform would promote my video along with the song. Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are other platforms I could see this video being uploaded.
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
My production skills improved greatly over this project. Before this project o had only worked on a single project before. This project was a commercial that is completely different from both film and editing. The goal of this commercial was to promote a product, I chose to promote a BMW the commercial was only 30 seconds long. This felt very structured and had a single main focus as I only had a single car to film. I feel that this project of a music video allowed me to go out of my comfort zone while editing. I feel that a weakness of this project was my planning, I did not have all of the props ready for the filming day. During the Music video, I felt that I had improved my planning process for my self. I was able to gather all the props in advance of the filming date. I believe that my filming and editing skills were also heavily improved through this video. Having 1 minute 15 seconds allowed me to make decisions that would have stuck out more within the 30-second video but made the music video flow together better. I utilized jump cuts heavily in the first three shots but switched to using transitions to make the shots flow better together. The jump cuts felt a little choppy but kind of lined up with the beats in the music. Once I was finished filming editing and planning, I learned that I need to film earlier so that if there are any problems with the film they can be fixed before editing. Research is also one of the most important things to do early in the filming and editing process. Overall I feel that I have learned a lot and improved in many ways in relation to production.
4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – into this project? I used technologies, software, hardware, and online resources throughout my entire music video. The initial research was done on my iPhone using various online browsers and apps including Web searches, YouTube, and Instagram. These web browsers and social media apps were used to conduct background research on my musical genre and the artist who sings the song. Viewing his social media platforms gave me a sense of the artist and their style. Following my research, I shot my video entirely on an iPhone and edited it on a MacBook. The apple ecosystem allowed me to easily store the files as well as being a convenient filming device. After completing the filming of my music video, I began the editing process. While editing, I used my iPhone to find guides on the internet to help me edit. I found countless step-by-step YouTube videos that I used to learn new editing techniques, it felt like I could scroll for years and never find the ending. My music video was completely edited using iMovie on Mac. The conversion of the song into an Mp3 file to upload it into my video was a difficult process however, I discovered a way to import the high-quality music onto my MacBook and insert it into my music video. The ease of communication allowed me to gather clips that may have needed to be re-filmed or filmed for the first time after my original filming dates.
My production skills improved greatly over this project. Before this project o had only worked on a single project before. This project was a commercial that is completely different from both film and editing. The goal of this commercial was to promote a product, I chose to promote a BMW the commercial was only 30 seconds long. This felt very structured and had a single main focus as I only had a single car to film. I feel that this project of a music video allowed me to go out of my comfort zone while editing. I feel that a weakness of this project was my planning, I did not have all of the props ready for the filming day. During the Music video, I felt that I had improved my planning process for my self. I was able to gather all the props in advance of the filming date. I believe that my filming and editing skills were also heavily improved through this video. Having 1 minute 15 seconds allowed me to make decisions that would have stuck out more within the 30-second video but made the music video flow together better. I utilized jump cuts heavily in the first three shots but switched to using transitions to make the shots flow better together. The jump cuts felt a little choppy but kind of lined up with the beats in the music. Once I was finished filming editing and planning, I learned that I need to film earlier so that if there are any problems with the film they can be fixed before editing. Research is also one of the most important things to do early in the filming and editing process. Overall I feel that I have learned a lot and improved in many ways in relation to production.
4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – into this project? I used technologies, software, hardware, and online resources throughout my entire music video. The initial research was done on my iPhone using various online browsers and apps including Web searches, YouTube, and Instagram. These web browsers and social media apps were used to conduct background research on my musical genre and the artist who sings the song. Viewing his social media platforms gave me a sense of the artist and their style. Following my research, I shot my video entirely on an iPhone and edited it on a MacBook. The apple ecosystem allowed me to easily store the files as well as being a convenient filming device. After completing the filming of my music video, I began the editing process. While editing, I used my iPhone to find guides on the internet to help me edit. I found countless step-by-step YouTube videos that I used to learn new editing techniques, it felt like I could scroll for years and never find the ending. My music video was completely edited using iMovie on Mac. The conversion of the song into an Mp3 file to upload it into my video was a difficult process however, I discovered a way to import the high-quality music onto my MacBook and insert it into my music video. The ease of communication allowed me to gather clips that may have needed to be re-filmed or filmed for the first time after my original filming dates.
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