My Group

 For this first project, I chose to work with Ryan, Griffin, and Nick. Ryan and I have been friends since 4th grade, but we met at first. Recently Ryan and I have become closer and have been hanging out more. In October we are going to take a trip to Sebring International Raceway. I know that Ryan is currently working on getting his boater's license. Once Ryan gets his license, we will be able to go wakeboarding and water skiing on the weekends. Ryan and I were very happy when we found out we were in the same media studies class. When we found out we knew immediately that we would work together. The only issue that Ryan and I had was that we needed 2 more people to join the group. The first person that Ryan and I found was Griffin. Griffin and I had been in a class with each other last year, but we have started to hang out more in school this year. Griffin likes to play tennis. Griffen also likes to hang out with his friends after school. One of the main reasons we chose to work together is because Griffin is very creative and will add a lot of value to the team. The other group member that we found was Nick. I have never been in a class with Nick, but Griffin and he are friends. We are all working together for many reasons. The biggest reason was to get to know each other better and to extend our friendships. Another reason is that we all sit in the same general area, so it is easy to communicate with each other and make sure everyone is doing what they need to be. Overall, I am sure that we will work amazingly together, and we will be able to create some great things this year. 


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