Creative critical reflection

Creative Critical Reflection 

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?  


  It uses the conventions from what we researched earlier, we included similar elements including shots of the exterior moving shots, the extreme close-up of the rear of the car, and the speedometer rising. We challenged the conventions by having the music start later in the video and end before the video was completely over. This commercial represents the wealthier social group of the world. The BMW car brand is highly regarded as an expensive asset, which means that it is only available to a limited group of people.


2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?  

  Our product engages the audience because it incorporates lots of action into a small amount of time. The car is no longer for sale so this commercial's main objective would be to rekindle the love people feel for the car. It also connects to nostalgia as many people's parents had these cars when they were younger. It would be used mainly on live television but may also be altered to fit a vertical format. This adaptation would allow for the commercial to reach a larger audience by way of mobile devices.


  3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?  

  I feel that the entire group's production skills dramatically improved during this time. I think that I improved most in the editing software, I was able to follow multiple tutorials on youtube to create my desired result. My filming skills may have also improved, but in the next project I will try and implement my ideas and find out if they work. Ryan's audio editing skills definitely improved throughout this project, he was able to go from not knowing how to edit the audio to be able to have it start and end without noticeable cuts in the music.


4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? 

 We used many examples of technology throughout our production, we used mobile phones to capture the video in a watchable quality, and we also used many laptops and desktop computers to edit our video. The biggest help was iMovie, which was a free program. and did not include a watermark. The program also integrated seamlessly with our group's majority of iPhones.


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