Finishing the Editing

 When we wanted to continue editing we had to wait until later in the day. Ryan came to my study hall, and we worked on editing for the entire class. Most of the process was getting quicker as we learned the program. Ryan was incredibly helpful in finding ways to do each action that we wanted to add. We were unable to completely finish editing on this day. We still needed to make sure the sound was good, and the music was able to be heard. The next day Ryan and I got to work right away. As Ryan looked for the music, I added the sounds and cut out background noise. While he was looking for music, he found a sound effect of stage lights flipping on, so he sent it to my computer. He then found the music and it was soon on my computer and added to the video. Unfortunately, Griffin was not in school this day, so we were unable to gather his feedback in that class. However, Nick was present, so we played the video, and he gave us feedback. Nicks's first comment was that the music needs to start earlier and end earlier. We chose the moment that Ryan stepped out of the car. This change worked perfectly and made the videos feel neater. His other advice was to remove a second of the video. This was due to when the video was exported through iMovie the time came to thirty-one seconds. Once these changes were made it felt like we had a good commercial. Griffin was the final member of our group to view the video. He liked all the editing choices and transition marks this was the final green light we needed and everyone felt satisfied with our results.  


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