
 On Wednesday the 5th of October my group decided to film. I was the first to arrive at the filming location, so I warmed up the car and drove around to find the best spots to film. Griffin and nick showed up at the same time. While we waited for Ryan to show up, we took audio clips in case there was too much ambient noise. We filmed each sound clip three times to ensure we were good. After filming the sound, we waited for Ryan to show up. When Ryan showed up, we started filming the scenes. We filmed out of order because of the traffic on the road so some shots were easier to film at various times. The first shot we filmed was the shot of the car starting in the dark. I started the car while Nick filmed, and Griffin switched the lights. The next shot filmed was the car exiting the warehouse and onto the street. The next shot that was filmed was of the speedometer rising. After this shot Griffen filmed me driving by the camera quickly to capture the speed of the camera. I think that the best shot we filmed throughout the day was the one of Ryan exiting the car. We had to refilm this shot the most because we wanted it to be perfect. The biggest problem with the scene was the paint of the car showing us in the reflection. We were unable to film the final scene because of the weather. It was nice when we started to film but by the time, we got to film that scene it was too cloudy. Due to this I will go back and film this scene by myself. Looking back over the footage that had gotten earlier in the day, we realized we wanted to do a split screen of me shifting the car while the speedometer rose higher and higher. Overall this process did not take too long and was a fun experience for us all. 


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